
Exhibitions: AA’s selection

L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui has put together a selection of exhibitions for you to discover straight away. Hamburg, London, Paris... a cultural itinerary to suit all tastes, for lovers of architecture as well as photography and painting.

Water Pressure – Designing for the Future

Hambourg, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, until 13 October 2024

Organised in collaboration with the Jane Withers Studio, the exhibition features more than 70 works questioning the water crisis, from scarcity to consumption and pollution. The exhibition brings together international contemporary artists from the fields of design, architecture and science. A case study of the Museum and the city of Hamburg is also presented by the German office OOZE Architects, putting the use of water in situ back into perspective.

More information — Discover our last issue, AA 462, « Water, Common Good ».
Robert Lebeck, Wasserfest, Tokio, 1961, MK&G, Staatliche Landesbildstelle Hamburg, Collection Histoire de la photographie

Vides de pierre – Xu Tiantian, DnA Design and Architecture

Bordeaux, arc en rêve centre d’architecture, until 27 October 2024

Only a month left to visit the “vides de pierre” exhibition organised by arc en rêve, a showcase for the DnA’s project to convert the Huangyan ashlar quarries. Located in Taizhou, these quarries have been redeveloped in dialogue with the region’s ecosystem and local communities.

More information — Discover Xu Tiantian's profle in AA 456, « Hospitality ».
© DnA Design and Architecture

Yasuhiro Ishimoto – Lines and bodies

Paris, LE BAL, until 17 November 2024

A look back at a key figure in the history of Japanese photography, Yasuhiro Ishimoto, in an exhibition organised in collaboration with the Ishimoto Yasuhiro Center (Kochi Art Museum, Japan). Modernity, reinvention and design are the watchwords of a career that spans the United States and Japan. An artist to discover or rediscover without further delay.

More informations

Yasuhiro Ishimoto. Flow of People, 1999 © Kochi Prefecture, Ishimoto Yasuhiro Photo Center

50 years aniversary of the Villa Benkemoun, « 1974 – Past, present, future »

Arles, Villa Benkemoun, until 29 September 2024

A l’occasion de ses 50 ans, la villa Benkemoun organise une exposition regroupant art, design, musique et mode, avec un choix d’artistes d’hier, comme Andy Warhol ou Claude Parent, et d’aujourd’hui. Construite au début des années 1970 par Emile Sala, la villa continue de vivre au rythme de différents événements et expositions.

More information
© Diane Hymans

Expressionists – Kandinsky,  Münter and the Blue Rider

Londres, Tate Modern, until 20 October 2024

In collaboration with Munich’s Lenbachhaus, Tate Modern is offering an insight into expressionist painting at the beginning of the 20th century, with a focus on the Munich-based Blue Rider group (Der Blaue Reiter) and the key figures in this transformation of modern art, from Kandinsky to Münter.

More information
Wassily Kandinsky, Cossacks ,1910-1911, Tate

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