Architecture 1 August 2016 What to read this summer? What books will you read this summer? Here is a selection of publications recommended by the Volume bookshop. Let yourself be tempted by the freshness of Aurore Baggary’s photos of the Mont-Blanc with Glaciers (2015), and to escape for a summer time, discover the small mobile constructions gathered in The New Nomads (2015) by Michelle Galindo. ...More about
Architecture 26 July 2016 Off the record: Guinée Potin With its new “Off the record” section, AA gives the floor ...More about
Architecture 12 July 2016 Off the record: Kunihiko Matsuba With its new “Off the record” section, AA gives the floor ...More about
Architecture 1 July 2016 Temporary City Against a backdrop of intensified migration flows, L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui chose ...More about
Architecture Spontaneous City In an article entitled “Les leçons urbaines de la jungle” ...More about
Architecture 16 June 2016 Jean Nouvel’s Quai Branly Museum back in 1999 In 1996, just one year after being elected President of ...More about
Architecture 11 June 2016 Habitat, inhabiting, inhabitant(s) Completing the abundant choice of exhibitions and events in the ...More about
Architecture 10 June 2016 Innovation in tradition For the opening of the Venice Architecture Biennale, AA organized ...More about
Architecture 8 June 2016 Circular economy, a global challenge On the occasion of the 15th Architecture Biennale, L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui ...More about
Architecture 7 June 2016 France, land of innovations Arsenale, Giardini, exhibitions outside the walls… and conferences. On May ...More about
Architecture 31 May 2016 Venice Biennale 2016: AA’s review (2/2) Freshly back from Venise, AA’s editorial team has put together ...More about
Architecture Venice Biennale 2016: AA’s review (1/2) Freshly back from Venise, AA’s editorial team has put together ...More about