
Maison&Objet Projets. 3 questions to StoneLeaf

Realisation of Elisabeth Visoanska’s store in Paris ©Elisabeth Visoanska

Designed for interior and exterior spaces, the Natural Stone Leaf is the cutting-edge product presented this year by the firm StoneLeaf at the trade fair Maison & Ojet Projets. The two co-founders, Alexandre and Emmanuel Dahdi, answer AA’s questions.

Could you present your firm and your latest projects?
StoneLeaf is a firm specialized in the decoration and construction market. It has been founded in 2013 by Alexandre and Emmanuel Dahdi, eager to create a common project. The two co-founders travel all around the world in order to look for innovative products and new inspirations; their researches led them to the creation of a new innovative product, the natural stone leaf, offering wide use possibilities and technical advantages.

You are participating to Maison & Objet Projets this year, which are the products and/or the innovative solutions dedicated to architects that you’ll be presenting?
In order to present our products and innovative ideas to our clients, we participate every year to many trade fairs. This year at Maison & Objet Projets we’ll be presenting our natural stone leaf panels, made of slate or mica. These panels, which can be used for interior and exterior spaces, are fixed on a glass fiber, which guarantees their stability. The product is easily cut and installed, and can be used on both flat and rounded surfaces; this allows to exploit the qualities of the stone, avoiding its inconveniences. The panels are thin (between 1.2 mm and 1.4 mm thick), light (they weigh between 1.5 and 2 kg per square metres) and they are flexible. The collection includes 24 stale and mica formats, can be produced with 3 different finishing types: StoneLeaf Classique, StoneLeaf, and StoneLeaf Translucide.

According to you, what are the future changes of your activity area and the major challenges to be addressed by 2020?
Our great challenge is to keep moving forward in our activity in order to propose new products and material uses. We aim to change people’s perception of stone; the lightness and quality of our products makes them perfect for modern interior spaces. The decoration market perpetually evolves, but we offer a timeless product with a wide range of colors, that can match with all kinds of spaces.

For more information, visit the website

Realisation of a SPA in Paris ©ArchiLine Spa

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