AA May issue reviews recent developments in tertiary programmes, a topic that had been chosen before the pandemic and the lockdown. The models in force have since been widely questioned, particularly on the sidelines of a new injunction: ‘social distancing’.
Nevertheless, while waiting to find out what will happen to our office spaces in the era of the pandemic, this AA new issue offers an enlightened reading of some innovations, with Norman Foster, French philosopher Bernard Stielger, of which AA offers an unpublished excerpt and co-starring shared spaces by SelgasCano in Los Angeles, a building with shared balconies by Nicolas Laisné and Dimitri Roussel in Nice, the eminent ‘Maison des Avocats’ by Renzo Piano in Paris and tailormade offices for the innovation department of the Pernod Ricard group by Stéphane Malka — all of which illustrate the ‘well-being‘ paradigm so highly recommended before the pandemic… One which will require re‑evaluation thereafter.